Tag Archives: arthritis awareness

World Arthritis Day 2015

October 12 is World Arthritis Day

Since 1996, October 12 is recognized as World Arthritis Day, a global initiative bringing people together to raise awareness of rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases (RMDs). Established by Arthritis and Rheumatism International (ARI) and managed by the European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR), the aim of World Arthritis Day is not only to raise awareness, but also to influence public policy and inform those living with RMDs as well as their caregivers of the support network available to them.

There are more than 100types of arthritisand related conditions accounting for more than $156 billion in lost wages and medical expenses annually with nearly 1 million hospitalizations each year. Arthritis impacts more than 50 million adults and 300,000 children in the U.S. and 120 million people in the European Union, making it the leading cause of disability in the western world.

Arthritis has a Global Impact

  • According toEUMUSC.net, in a 2007 EU survey it was found that 22% of the population currently had, or had experienced, long-term muscle, bone and joint problems such as rheumatism and arthritis.
  • The prevalence of rheumatoid arthritis varies between 0.3% and 1% and is more common in women as well as in developed countries.
  • Within 10 years of onset of rheumatoid arthritis, at least 50% of patients in developed countries are unable to hold down a full-time job.
  • 骨关节炎(OA)是最常见的关节疾病,比任何其他疾病在老年人中占更多的残疾。
  • Many factors increase the risk of developing rheumatic disease, including increasing age, smoking, excessive weight, predisposed genetic factors, occupations with high risk of injury and overuse of joints.

The Arthritis Foundation

The Arthritis Foundation is the Champion of Yes. Leading the fight for the arthritis community, the Arthritis Foundation helps conquer everyday battles through life-changing information and resources, access to optimal care, advancements in science and community connections. Our goal is to chart a winning course, guiding families in developing personalized plans for living a full life – and making each day another stride towards a cure.

This year’s World Arthritis Day theme –“It’s in your hands, take action”——在我们接管社交媒体世界时,有助于提高人们的意识,庆祝世界关节炎日。站!加入我们,用#WADhigh5这个标签来传播这个词。

Together, we conquer arthritis!

Related Resources:

May Is National Arthritis Awareness Month

arthritis-awarenessMay is recognized each year as National Arthritis Awareness Month. Arthritis is a disease that impacts more than 50 million Americans, making it the number one cause of disability in the country. That means 1 in every 5 adults, 300,000 children and countless families are affected by arthritis. These numbers are only going to keep growing—unless we take a stand

The Arthritis Foundation is leading the way to conquer arthritis and its effects through our advocacy efforts at the state level and on Capitol Hill, our cutting-edge scientific research, and our tools and resources that help you live your best life.

The first steps in conquering arthritis are learning the facts, understanding your condition and knowing that help is by your side. Below, you’ll find some telling statistics about the current impact of arthritis on the U.S. population, resources to help you learn more about arthritis, and additional information on how you can help and get involved.


  • Nearly 53 million adults have doctor-diagnosed arthritis; that number is expected to grow to 67 million by 2030.
  • 近30万婴儿、儿童和青少年患有关节炎或风湿病。
  • 关节炎是美国残疾的第一大原因。
  • 工作年龄的男性和女性(18 - 64岁)有关节炎比那些没有关节炎的同龄人就业的可能性更小。
  • 1/3 of working-age people with arthritis have limitations in their ability to work, the type of work they can do or whether they can work part time or full time.
  • People with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis –two major kinds of arthritis – miss a combined 172 million workdays every year.
  • Arthritis and related conditions account for more than $156 billion annually in lost wages and medical expenses.
  • There are nearly 1 million hospitalizations each year due to arthritis.
  • 57%患有心脏病的成年人有关节炎。
  • 52%的成人糖尿病患者有关节炎。
  • 44% of adults with high blood pressure have arthritis.
  • 36% of adults who are obese have arthritis.
  • 1/3 of adults with arthritis age 45 and older have either anxiety or depression.

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