Arthritis 101 Congressional Briefing


Arthritis knows no political affiliation. It affects more than 50 million adults and an estimated 300,000 kids in the U.S., regardless of where they live or for whom they voted. We want to assure you that your voice is being heard by both Republicans and Democrats, especially as lawmakers consider changes to our healthcare system.

On January 31, 2017, we hosted a Congressional briefing with theAmerican College of Rheumatology. Entitled, “Arthritis 101,” this program was for new and returning members of Congress, to educate them about the devastating effects of arthritis and the barriers that affect access to affordable care.

101关节炎是由国会关节炎核心小组联合主席Anna Eshoo (D-CA)和David McKinley (R-WV)共同发起的,由美国参议员Tim Hutchinson (R-AR)主持。来自国会山的近30个办公室参加了会议。

Topics discussed at the briefing included the growing shortage of rheumatologists, especially pediatric rheumatologists, easy access to treatment, cost of medications and funding for arthritis research programs.

“关节炎患者生活在无法获得处方药物的恐惧中,他们不得不不知疲倦地战斗,以保持获得所需的药物,以控制他们的疾病,”Cavan Redmond说,他是WebMD的前首席执行官,制药保健执行官和关节炎基金会的董事会成员。“为了开始解决这个问题,更好地理解患者、政策制定者和医疗保健行业领袖之间的‘巨大的医疗脱节’,我们与整个行业的医疗保健领袖坐下来,然后与患者进行一对一的会面,以焦点小组的形式了解他们面临的挑战。Based on our findings, we launched an initiative – calledPrescription for Access– to actively address the concerns of people with arthritis, including providing policy recommendations and principles for the new Congress to consider.”

Through our newPrescription for Accessinitiative, we are pleased to announce three new tools to help you more easily and effectively access the care you need.

  • Your Coverage, Your Care Toolkitwill help you better understand health coverage options, learn how to get the arthritis care you need and manage claim denials.
  • 5 Things You Can Do Nowwill give you tangible steps you can take now to overcome barriers and improve your health care in 2017.
  • Patient Principles for Health Careprovides four simple principles that, if adopted throughout the health care system, will knock down barriers that make it difficult for patients to make informed decisions.

As the leading authority for the arthritis community, we will continue to meet with representatives from the pharmaceutical industry, insurers, pharmacy benefit managers, health care providers and policymakers, helping them understand gaps in the healthcare system and barriers to care. More importantly, we will make sure your voice is heard and considered while healthcare decisions are being made, and we will continue to develop new tools and resources to help you live happier and healthier.

The success of our efforts is heavily influenced by people like you – real people who are dealing with the daily challenges of arthritis – who join ourAdvocate program. It is through meetings and communications with our Advocates that policymakers learn the truths of living with arthritis and challenges with today’s healthcare system.

Want to make a real and meaningful difference?Become an Advocate today, or better yet, join us in Washington DC, March 6-7, for ourAdvocacy Summit. The registration deadline has been extended until 5 p.m. on Wednesday, February 8, so don’t delay!


3 thoughts on “关节炎101和治疗处方-确保你的声音被听到!

  1. What do those of us do that have lost EVERYTHING? My home, entire family because when they said they would help me financially until “disability” kicked in but what they really meant was they would also try to control every aspect of my life including how many dogs “I could have” (Lived in same place for many years and had my dogs for same amount of time. They made me and my 3 grandchildren I had custody of move out of our 4 bedroom home into mobile home on this property telling us we had to leave all our possessions behind, childrens toys and belongings, a lifetime of memories for me and the ponly photos of my deceased father I had. Then they worked with yhe kids abusive father to get custody of them. I had them because their parents abused them
    现在“残疾”过去了,我只能靠医疗补助,不能去休斯顿看我的专家。I have chronic fatigue, fibtomyalgia
    Epstein-Barre disease, ADD, DDD, allowing spondylitis, and between Houston and Dallas I haven’t been able to find a physician that can take care of my needs. I tried when I first moved here in 2004 – 2008, they all wanted to start OVER!!! I’ve had fibromyalgia since I was 17. I’m now 56! What is the point of even going on anymore. NOTHINHG LEFT TO LIVE FOR …

  2. I have Osteoarthritis plus Degenerative Joint Disease in my spine, etc. What is the best approach to advocate for oneself if their doctor is an Osteopath and doesnt want me on alot of medications. Ive heard some meds for arthritis have some lastung effectd.


  3. 我对我的保险计划有一个很大的问题,因为我必须去丹佛健康中心,有色人种得到的照顾很少。过去10年里,我一直抱怨我的臀部疼痛。每次我问他们我有多疼,甚至都不用检查他们就自动知道是滑囊炎。我花了十年时间才做了核磁共振,结果发现是骨关节炎。现在我对疼痛的耐受力一直很高,但是我从来没有经历过的臀部的疼痛是如此难以忍受,而且我的手已经变形了,一切都非常疼,他们不能为我的疼痛做任何事情,这让我非常沮丧,我不知道该做什么。我想我得等到10月份才能换保险,因为他们从今年开始就没有为我做过什么,我完了。谢谢大家的聆听。

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