Tag Archives: 2017 juvenile arthritis conference scholarships

2017 Juvenile Arthritis Conference Scholarship Available

JA Conference Scholarship Applications Now Being Accepted!

Thescholarship application2017年全国青少年关节炎大会现在开始了!欢迎有兴趣的家庭和年轻人(18-25岁)申请奖学金,以帮助支付前往德克萨斯州休斯顿或印第安纳州印第安纳波利斯参加今年会议的旅费或出席费用。申请必须在2017年2月26日之前提交,所有申请人将在2017年4月24日之前收到通知。
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Juvenile Arthritis Conference Scholarships

Juvenile Arthritis Conference Scholarships Offer A Helping Hand

The NationalJuvenile Arthritis Conferenceis well known for its ability to bring kids with rheumatic diseases and their families together for a weekend full of hope, inspiration and connections. The one question that gets asked the most is – “but how do we afford to get there?” For many families dealing with a constant stream of medical expenses, it may not be feasible to plan for a weekend conference that, depending on where you may live, might include extensive travel.
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