Beating Arthritis Burnout

Battling Arthritis Burnout

Worn out from dealing with your disease? Never-ending appointments, medication refills, insurance paperwork, and diet and exercise worries can take a toll. Living with a chronic disease can be exhausting, even without thefatiguethat comes with being ill.

波士顿联邦心理学协会的健康心理学专家玛丽·安德森(Mary Anderson)说,慢性病患者在应对疼痛和疾病的同时,还经常感到负担沉重、筋疲力尽,同时还要管理自己的治疗和日常工作生活需求。

And when patients feel burned out, they’re less likely to take care of themselves, says Mayo Clinic rheumatologist and researcher John Davis III, MD. It takes only a few weeks of neglecting their care to heighten their risk of further joint damage and disability, as well as conditions like heart disease or osteoporosis, Dr. Davis says.


Try these tips to manage burnout:

照顾好基本的东西。Sleep, eat well and stick with physical activity to keep up your physical and emotional strength. But don’t get down on yourself if you miss a workout or eat a little ice cream; a small break from your routine may lighten the burden.

Streamline your regimen.用药盒装药。创建电子账户来支付账单。建立邮购处方服务。试着少花点时间控制疾病,多花点时间做让你感觉良好的事情。

Be efficient.Manage your environment and time to ease stress. For example, schedule back-to-back appointments to avoid multiple trips; limit chores to your comfort level; ask for help when needed; delegate tasks to others.

Keep self-talk positive.Discouraging self-talk intensifies burnout. Keep inner voices encouraging and compassionate, just as you would with a friend.

Plan some pleasure.到花园里去。看有趣的视频。无论你喜欢什么,把它安排到你的一天中来提升你的情绪,缓冲精力耗尽。

Polly Campbell for the Arthritis Foundation


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