boost positivity and decrease stress

Five Positive Ways to Boost your Mood and Relieve Stress and Pain

It’s not always easy to stay positive – but dwelling on negative thoughts can do more than put you in a blue mood;your thoughts affect the way you feel mentally and physically洛杉矶临床心理学家Helen Grusd博士说,她专门研究健康心理学。研究表明,悲观的想法会加重疼痛和疲劳,并对你的免疫系统产生负面影响。

Fortunately, positive thinking can have the opposite effect. Try these simple mood boosters.

Have a laugh

Research shows that laughter decreases levels of the stress hormones cortisol and epinephrine. It may also help support the immune system and protect against infection. And a long laugh works much like exercise to lower blood pressure and bad cholesterol. So grab a funny book, turn on a good sitcom or check out a favorite comedian on YouTube.

Call a friend

When you are feeling down, reach out to friends who don’t ignore your pain, but also don’t dwell on it, says Grusd. “If we surround ourselves with people who are joyous, who are hopeful and laugh and live in the moment, that often makes us feel so much better,” she says.

Say thanks

You probably have a lot to be grateful about, despite your arthritis – maybe it’s a supportive spouse or friends, a talent you’re proud of or a park where you can enjoy nature. Focusing on gratitude distracts from pain. Write about it in a journal or letters. According to research, showing gratitude can ease depression, lower stress levels and even reduce biomarkers of inflammation.

Get lost in a song

It’s hard for negative thoughts to take hold when you’relistening to happy music. A 2013 study found that listening to upbeat music improved moods short term, and boosted overall happiness over a two-week period. Another study found people with fibromyalgia reported lower pain levels after listening to their favorite music.

Do something

Doing anything is better than doing nothing, says Grusd. “Don’t just lie in bed; get up, even if you are hurting.” Soak in a warm bath, go out for coffee or take a walk – even just to your mailbox. If you want a hamburger but don’t feel like cooking, have one delivered. Even that can act as an antidepressant, she says.

These types of mood-boosters work best when practiced regularly and before your mood sinks too low, says Grusd. Keep a list of activities that bring you joy, and turn to them when negative thoughts start to creep in.

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