Tag Archives: arthritis tips

Woman in Burgundy shirt using scissors to wrap gifts for Christmas

Make the Holidays Free of Pandemonium and Pain

The yearend holidays are supposed to be a time of merriment, reflection and enjoying the company of family and friends. But for many, the hustle and bustle of the season can be bone-rattling, literally and figuratively. If you battle arthritis, this time of year can be even more stressful and difficult. And that, in turn, can aggravate joint pain.Continue readingMake the Holidays Free of Pandemonium and Pain

adapting your house for arthritis

Adapting Your House When You Have Arthritis

Does your hip throb when you get in and out of the bathtub?

Are stiff fingers making it tough to prep meals in the kitchen? Whether you haveosteoarthritis,rheumatoid arthritisorpsoriatic arthritis, some daily tasks – cooking, bathing, doing laundry and moving around the house– can become a real challenge.

You don’t need to spend thousands of dollars on remodeling improvements. There are steps you can take to make your home safe and protect your joints.

“我们的目标是利用适应性来保持你在日常生活中表现和参与活动的能力,”Scott Trudeau博士,OTR/L,美国职业治疗协会生产老化项目经理说。

Here are six tips to help you prep your abode for life with arthritis.

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Shaking Hands Arthritis

What You Can Do When Handshaking With Arthritis Hurts

You’ve been there: You’re meeting someone new and he inevitably extends his hand with a well-meaning, “How do you do?” But if the joints in your hands are fragile and painful, your response may be a frantic, “What do I do?” If the thought of shaking hands makes you shriek, here are some polite alternatives and ways to decline:
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Bad Habits Arthritis

5 Bad Habits to Drop for Better Arthritis Management

In a perfect world, pain wouldn’t exist, our weight would be optimal and we’d enjoy daily exercise and have energy to spare. But the world is not perfect, and sometimes our bad habits get in the way of our best intentions to live a healthy life. You can make small changes toward adopting a healthier lifestyle and reducing your arthritis symptoms. Along with adopting thehealthy habits in our previous blog post, make an effort to break these 5 unhealthy habits.

  1. Eating over-processed foods.

糖和白面粉——以及加工食品中过量的糖和白面粉——会导致体重增加,这对关节疼痛是很严重的。用水果、坚果和全谷物代替它们。亚特兰大注册营养师雷切尔·布兰代斯(Rachel Brandeis)说,一个很好的经验法则是,每份含糖少于10克、纤维超过3克的食物应尽量多吃。吃得少了就会有饱腹感,还能防止体重增加。Continue reading5 Bad Habits to Drop for Better Arthritis Management

arthritis health tips

Doctor-Recommended Arthritis Health Tips


  1. Be more open with your doctor.

In pain? More tired than usual? Tell your doctor. “Many individuals with arthritis feel that they’re ‘complaining’ or taking up too much of their doctor’s time. But more information helps a physician tailor treatment, leading to better health outcomes,” says M. Elaine Husni, MD, director of the Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Treatment Center at the Cleveland Clinic.

Continue readingDoctor-Recommended Arthritis Health Tips