Tag Archives: cleaning with arthritis

cleaning tips for arthritis

Spring into Home Repairs With These Handy Tricks

Spring cleaning often brings to attention those small repairs that you’ve been meaning to get around to. Stuck drawers, clogged drains, torn window screens – small household repairs can be an ordeal if you havepainful hands from arthritis还有工具的短缺。但事实并非如此。纽约市的职业治疗师南希·瑞恩(Nancy Ryan)提出了以下这些简单的捷径,可以让你做一些普通的工作,更少的痛苦和努力,而且还能把你手边可能有的东西拿出来。

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adapting your house for arthritis

Adapting Your House When You Have Arthritis

Does your hip throb when you get in and out of the bathtub?

Are stiff fingers making it tough to prep meals in the kitchen? Whether you haveosteoarthritis,rheumatoid arthritisorpsoriatic arthritis, some daily tasks – cooking, bathing, doing laundry and moving around the house– can become a real challenge.

You don’t need to spend thousands of dollars on remodeling improvements. There are steps you can take to make your home safe and protect your joints.

“The goal is to use adaptations to preserve your ability to perform and participate in activities of daily living,” says Scott Trudeau, PhD, OTR/L, productive aging program manager at the American Occupational Therapy Association.

Here are six tips to help you prep your abode for life with arthritis.

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Pain Free Cleaning Tips

Protect Your Joints With These Housecleaning Tips

To minimize trauma on your body and joints while cleaning, first warm up by walking around the house. Then follow these joint-friendly easy cleaning moves.

Back-Safe Bending

Common mistake:Bending from the waist.

Typical tasks:可卸洗衣机、烘干机、洗碗机;收集和拾取物品;洗碗;熨衣服;家具下清洗;擦洗浴缸;铺床。

Safe solutions:

  • Follow the old saying, “bend with your knees, not your back.” Slightly flex knees, and keep a hollow in your back.
    When standing, minimize back pressure by placing one foot on an elevated surface, such as a stepstool or bottom shelf.
    When unloading, use a “golfer’s lift.” Simply kick back the leg opposite your extended arm.
    Kneel or get help for floor-level or awkward tasks.

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