Tag Archives: RA

Tennis Star Caroline Wozniacki Talks About Her RA


I wanted to write this blog to tell you all a little bit about my rheumatoid arthritis journey so far. I was diagnosed in 2018 (which was a total shock to me), and I’ve learned so much about it and other chronic inflammatory diseases, such as axial spondyloarthritis, psoriatic arthritis and psoriasis, since then.Continue readingTennis Star Caroline Wozniacki Talks About Her RA

arthritis news roundup

February Arthritis News Roundup

We consistently learn more about identifying the symptoms of arthritis and how it affects people’s day-to-day lives. Here are a few inspiring developments in the world of arthritis over the past month.

FDA Issues Warnings Related to Arthritis Community

The FDA has issued a warning regarding gabapentin and pregabalin, stating they are associated with breathing problems when used with central nervous system depressants or in patients with lung problems. This warning also includes drugs fibromyalgia patients may be taking. Talk to your doctor if this warning may apply to you.

Learn more about the drugs used to treat fibromyalgia in the arthritisdrug guide.

6 Tip-offs to Rip-offs: Don’t Fall for Health Fraud Scams

The FDA issues a buyer-beware warning on supplements to help you avoid health fraud scams, including claims from some supplements for weight loss or treating arthritis. Read their tips to avoid wasting your money and what to look out for.

The FDA also noted 50% of dietary supplement manufacturers do not have documented quality control on their products, citing continuedviolations of “basic” manufacturingrequirements.

Shop smart when looking to buy any type of dietary supplement. You can find tips on how towarning regarding gabapentin and pregabalin. If you’re considering CBD supplements, be sure to check theArthritis Foundation CBD Guidance for Adults With Arthritisbefore you buy.

High-Dose Flu Shot Best for Rheumatoid Arthritis

According to researchers writing in The Lancet Rheumatology, a high-dose version of the influenza vaccine is safer and more effective than the regular flu shot for patients with rheumatoid arthritis.

Both older people and RA patients experience reduced responses to flu shots because of chronic inflammation and use of multiple prescription medications, in addition to the difficulties that arise from patients dealing with multiple diseases at once. Because of this similarity, the study sought to find out if RA patients would see benefits from high-dose flu shots in the same way older patients do.

Although this is the first study of its kind, its results show promise for both RA patients and future studies. You can also read aboutwhy flu vaccines are especially important为JA儿童准备的。

Ideal Management of RA in Pregnancy Improves Outcomes

Pregnancy can already be difficult, and rheumatoid arthritis doesn’t make it any easier. But new research shows that women whose rheumatoid arthritis is carefully managed before and during pregnancy have a significantly lower risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes, including miscarriage or perinatal death.

第一作者Alessandra Bortoluzzi,医学博士,来自意大利费拉拉大学的风湿病学部门,和共同作者研究了孕前和围产期的七个诊断、治疗和随访卫生保健质量指标。总体而言,与对照组相比,RA患者甲状腺疾病、不良妊娠结局、流产或围产期死亡的发生率明显更高。然而,那些在怀孕期间遵循理想临床路径的人,不良妊娠结局的几率降低了40%。

Preparing for pregnancy while you have arthritis isn’t easy,but these tips can help!

CDC Update: Adult Physical Inactivity Map of the U.S.

Research strongly supports physical activity playing a huge role in treating arthritis. How does your state stack up? Do you live in a place that’s rated more physicallyinactive比其他的吗?美国疾病控制与预防中心(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,简称cdc)刚刚发布了一份成年人缺乏运动患病率地图,地图上显示了不同地区、种族和民族的成年人缺乏运动水平不同。找出你所在州的排名。

Staying physically active with arthritis is often very challenging, especially when you’re in pain. Here aretips to get you started with physical activity. You can also check out a recentblog on physical activityor tune in to theLive Yes! With Arthritis podcast’s latest episode on arthritis and physical activity了解这些好处以及如何迈出第一步。

CDC Releases Updated Statistics on Arthritis, Mental Distress and Depression

Chronic pain from arthritis is associated with anxiety and depression in many people. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released state-specific prevalence data last month showing a higher incidence of frequent mental distress in the Appalachian and southern states. The CDC says all adults with arthritis will benefit from systematic mental health screenings by their health care team.

Arthritis can make everyday life difficult for the millions of Americans struggling with its many forms. Learn when to seek treatment and care options available foranxiety and depression in arthritis. Get the resources you need and get connected with others like you by joiningthe Live Yes! Arthritis Network.

Reminder to diet and exercise on small chalkboard with dumbbell

How Shedding Pounds Eases Arthritis Symptoms

You’ve heard this before, but it bears repeating: One of the best things you can do for arthritis is to lose excess weight. Research shows that while diet and exercise combined are most effective for dropping pounds, dieting alone helps more than exercise alone. No one’s saying it’s easy, but evidence shows it pays off. Here’s how it can help.Continue readingHow Shedding Pounds Eases Arthritis Symptoms

arthritis severity factors

What Determines How Severe Your Arthritis May Become?

A diagnosis ofinflammatory arthritiscan leave you wondering what you’re in for: Will you face along, bumpy road with your disease, or will it respond well to minimal treatment? Although there is no crystal ball, research into different forms of inflammatory arthritis is identifying factors that predict the likelihood of more or less severe disease.

Knowing these factors enables your doctor to target treatment, says David Pisetsky, MD, PhD, professor of medicine and immunology at Duke University Medical Center in Durham, North Carolina. “With evidence of a worse prognosis, most rheumatologists will monitor patients more closely, try to get disease control more rapidly and adjust medications to achieve a [disease] activity score as low as possible,” he says. Plus, steps to taper treatment in those who achieve remission “would be more cautious and gradual,” he adds.

Here are prognostic factors your doctor may consider.Continue readingWhat Determines How Severe Your Arthritis May Become?

Healthy Choices: Massage Therapy a Part of a Lifestyle Makeover

Kathleen Stoddart Rheumatoid ArthritisWhen Kathleen Stoddart was diagnosed withrheumatoid arthritis (RA)two years ago, she knew there would be some things she couldn’t control. But, when she realized some things were within her control, she immediately got to work.

“When I was diagnosed with RA, one thing the doctor mentioned was smoking,” recalls Kathleen. “I had been a smoker for a long time. “I kept thinking that if there was any behavior I had that contributed to making my RA worse, I would do anything to change it. Within a month of my diagnosis, I quit smoking completely.”

Continue readingHealthy Choices: Massage Therapy a Part of a Lifestyle Makeover