2016 Arthritis Awareness Month

Take the #SeeArthritis Challenge During Arthritis Awareness Month!


Since arthritis is often an invisible disease, it’s not always easy for people tosee the physical and emotional tollit can take on those affected. Living with a disease whose symptoms and effects aren’t obvious adds an additional challenge for people trying to cope with chronic diseases like arthritis. There’s also a misconception that arthritis is a disease that only affects the elderly. In reality, this debilitating disease affects more than 50 million adults and an estimated 300,000 children in the U.S. alone. What’s more, one out of every three veterans and service members in the U.S. has arthritis.

Because of these challenges and misconceptions, people in our arthritis community face the tremendous challenge of getting people to understand the severity of their symptoms and the struggles they face every single day to accomplish everyday tasks, like getting out of bed, attending school and work – or even walking.

How Can You Help & Get Involved?

This Arthritis Awareness month, we need YOUR help to spread awareness about the seriousness of this disease! Here’s how you can participate and help us spread awareness:

  1. Visit this linkand share it with family and friends to take the #SeeArthritis challenge.
  2. Click this link toturn your profile picture greenon Facebook & Twitter.
  3. Tell us how arthritis affects you personally using the hashtag #SeeArthritis on social media!
  4. Donateto support the over 50 million Americans, including an estimated 300,000 children living with arthritis.

Arthritis is all around us, yet its impact is far greater, more serious, and more costly than most people realize. Together, we can spread awareness and help those outside our community see how arthritis affects us all.


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