Tag Archives: arthritis foundation

Meet YOUR Patient Leadership Council

The things that matter most to you in your journey with arthritis help pave the way to the education, resources and research that are needed to help you live your best life.

关节炎基金会的患者领导委员会(PLC)为各种类型的关节炎患者发声,代表着对你这样的人来说最重要的事情。PLC的12个成员都有一种关节炎——OA、RA、JIA、狼疮、硬皮病。他们来自美国各地,从纽约到华盛顿,从加州到印第安纳州,从堪萨斯州到德克萨斯州。他们每个人都有自己引人入胜的故事。Continue readingMeet YOUR Patient Leadership Council


还记得电视马拉松大受欢迎的时候吗?美国人会拨打电话,受到像玛丽·泰勒·摩尔或贝蒂·怀特这样的名人的欢迎。在“步行治愈关节炎”和“铃儿响铃快跑”之前,电视募捐活动是我们组织的主要生命线(双关语),这样我们就可以影响疾病的进程,支持数百万患有关节炎的美国人。Continue reading麦瑟尔夫人,谢谢你的笑声和对电视马拉松的致敬!

Arthritis Customizable Info

Get Customized Arthritis Tips, Tricks and News Straight to Your Inbox!

Here at the Arthritis Foundation, we’re always looking for better ways to help you live your best. Today, we’re launching a new initiative that we think you will want to be part of.

无论您本人或认识的人是否患有关节炎,我们都希望给您一个机会,以获得与您的疾病类型和您选择的其他有用主题相关的独家信息。You pick the topics, and we’ll send you the latest research, news, tips &exclusiveresources –right to your inbox.
Continue readingGet Customized Arthritis Tips, Tricks and News Straight to Your Inbox!

World Arthritis Day 2015

October 12 is World Arthritis Day

Since 1996, October 12 is recognized as World Arthritis Day, a global initiative bringing people together to raise awareness of rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases (RMDs). Established by Arthritis and Rheumatism International (ARI) and managed by the European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR), the aim of World Arthritis Day is not only to raise awareness, but also to influence public policy and inform those living with RMDs as well as their caregivers of the support network available to them.

There are more than 100types of arthritis相关疾病每年造成超过1,560亿美元的工资损失和医疗费用损失,每年有近100万人住院治疗。在美国,关节炎影响着超过5000万成年人和30万儿童,在欧盟有1.2亿人,这使它成为西方世界残疾的主要原因。

Arthritis has a Global Impact

  • According toEUMUSC.net, in a 2007 EU survey it was found that 22% of the population currently had, or had experienced, long-term muscle, bone and joint problems such as rheumatism and arthritis.
  • The prevalence of rheumatoid arthritis varies between 0.3% and 1% and is more common in women as well as in developed countries.
  • Within 10 years of onset of rheumatoid arthritis, at least 50% of patients in developed countries are unable to hold down a full-time job.
  • 骨关节炎(OA)是最常见的关节疾病,比任何其他疾病在老年人中占更多的残疾。
  • Many factors increase the risk of developing rheumatic disease, including increasing age, smoking, excessive weight, predisposed genetic factors, occupations with high risk of injury and overuse of joints.

The Arthritis Foundation

The Arthritis Foundation is the Champion of Yes. Leading the fight for the arthritis community, the Arthritis Foundation helps conquer everyday battles through life-changing information and resources, access to optimal care, advancements in science and community connections. Our goal is to chart a winning course, guiding families in developing personalized plans for living a full life – and making each day another stride towards a cure.

This year’s World Arthritis Day theme –“It’s in your hands, take action”– helps increase awareness as we take over the social media world High 5ing for World Arthritis Day. Take a stand! Join us in spreading the word with the hashtag #WADhigh5.

Together, we conquer arthritis!

Related Resources:

Champion of Yes – It’s a Brand New Day at the Arthritis Foundation!

Ann Palmer, Arthritis Foundation President & CEOAs you’re reading this blog, or if you’ve visited theArthritis Foundation websitetoday, you may have noticed we look a bit different. Today we’re entering a new chapter in our organization’s evolution – as we publicly unveil the Foundation’s Champion of Yes brand.


在我们的员工、志愿者和社区的支持和领导下,我们的新品牌将帮助关节炎基金会——以及我们承诺的使命——比以往任何时候都更加突出。But it is our hard work and unwavering commitment that will continue to make an impact on the lives of the more than 50 million Americans who have arthritis.

Our new look and feel will show the world that we’re united, consistent and in touch with the changing times. However, it’s our tools and resources; advocacy efforts and cutting-edge scientific discovery that will help us change lives and find a cure. Our new way of talking about who we are and what we stand for will underscore our attributes: that we’rebold, brave, expert, ever present and all-in我们致力于真正实现这些品质,这将帮助我们在人们的生活中创造“是”的时刻,并增加我们社区获得关怀的机会。

Over the past year, we’ve conducted a lot of research, heard many voices and ideas, evaluated our challenges and considered possible solutions. I want to express my sincere gratitude to everyone who has helped shape this tremendous transformation at the Arthritis Foundation – the many staff and volunteers who are dedicated to our organization’s mission. Our passion and pledge to a cause that is growing each day in importance is even stronger today. We are committed to saying Yes in the face of No, and to helping those who live with arthritis do the same. We won’t reach our destination overnight, and there’s still a lot more work to do, but I’m confident our efforts will help us conquer arthritis – and now I encourage every member of our community to make the most of this milestone and help move us forward.

For starters, we’d love for you to watch our short video below to learn more about what it means to be a Champion of Yes, and then totell us how you, yourself, are a Champion of Yes! Tell us about the things you’ve had to say No to because of arthritis, and what you’ve done to overcome those challenges and turn them into moments of Yes. Tell us about your tips and tricks for living better with arthritis. Tell us about your accomplishments, what you’re proud of, and how YOU say Yes.

Thank you for supporting the Arthritis Foundation and our community – and for being a true Champion of Yes!

P.S. – Please be sure to explore the rebrandedarthritis.org,在这里,我们强大的新外观和感觉真的来生活!

– Ann Palmer, Arthritis Foundation President & CEO

Welcome to our new Blog!


Our blog will allow us to leverage social technologies to engage in two-way communication with our community and to take your feedback into consideration as we create new content, tools and resources. In addition, we’ll use the blog to share multimedia, such as videos, photo albums and more. Here you’ll also find patient stories, resources for caregivers, local event updates and advocacy news, as well as details on opportunities to engage with the Arthritis Foundation and other members of the arthritis community.

As we continue to build our blog, we’ll also create disease-specific content so you can learn more about the latest news, research and tips about your specific type of arthritis.

We look forward to growing with you as we embark on this new journey. Thanks for stopping by!