All posts byArthritis Today Magazine

Fish Oil Osteoarthritis


While the use of nutritional supplements for osteoarthritis (OA) has focused largely on the duo of glucosamine and chondroitin, research suggests that a popular supplement for heart disease and rheumatoid arthritis may also help OA – fish oil. Fish oil is the best source of omega-3 fatty acids, essential fatty acids our body needs to function properly.

Most studies of the effectiveness of fish oil forosteoarthritishave been done on animals, but a few studies have also been done in humans.
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Running Knee Osteoarthritis

Running with Knee Osteoarthritis

Knee osteoarthritis doesn’t have to stop you from running—when done carefully, it can actually reduce pain associated with arthritis.

Many people mistakenly believe that running causes knee osteoarthritis—however, doctors now know this is not true. Researchers who compared long-term effects of walking, running and other strenuous forms of exercise found that running significantly decreased the risk of hip and knee replacement, while other forms of exercise increased it. Another long-term study of runners versus non-runners showed that the runners did not have a higher incidence of kneeosteoarthritisthan the non-runners.
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Osteoarthritis Treatment Options

Potential New Treatment for Osteoarthritis

Traditionally, treatment forosteoarthritishas been limited to relieving pain. Scientists have found hope that drugs used to treat osteoporosis may be useful in treating not only osteoarthritis (OA) pain, but cartilage damage as well.


In animal studies, bisphophonates have shown to reduce OA progression – as measured by the severity of cartilage damage and bony overgrowth – by as much as 30–40%.Continue readingPotential New Treatment for Osteoarthritis

Statins Osteoarthritis

Stopping Osteoarthritis with Statins?

Recent research shows that statins — the drugs people take to lower their cholesterol — may also lower their chances of gettingosteoarthritisor delay its progression.


Proof That Statins May Work Against OA

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Chondroitin Knee Osteoarthritis

Can Chondroitin Slow Knee Osteoarthritis?

A popular dietary supplement appears to slow the progression of knee osteoarthritis (OA) and is as effective at controlling pain as a widely used prescription medication, according to a study presented at the 2015 American College of Rheumatology Annual Meeting. A team of Canadian researchers found that, over a span of two years, patients with knee OA who took chondroitin sulfate, which is sold over the counter (OTC), lost less knee cartilage than a second group of patients treated with the prescription nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) celecoxib (Celebrex). This new study fuels an ongoing debate over whether OA patients can benefit from OTC supplements such as chondroitin.

Chondroitin is a naturally occurring molecule your body uses to build healthy cartilage, the shock-absorbing tissue that protects the ends of bones where they form joints. (Gradual loss of cartilage leads to the pain, stiffness and other symptoms of OA.) Chondroitin supplements are made from cartilage taken from animals, such as sharks and cows, though they also can be produced synthetically. In theory, the supplements help restore lost cartilage, though some evidence suggests that they reduce inflammation, too. Chondroitin is often sold in combination with another dietary supplement marketed for joint health, glucosamine.
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Osteoarthritis Vitamin D

Vitamin D May Slow Osteoarthritis Progression

Can Vitamin D help prevent the onset ofosteoarthritis (OA)or slow joint damage if you already have OA? While study results have been mixed, in general, they suggest that Vitamin D may be protective in OA.


What the Studies Show

Two studies published in 2014 looked at vitamin D levels in the blood of people with or at risk of OA. A study published inThe Journal of Nutritionfound that participants with low vitamin D levels had a more than 2-fold elevated risk of knee OA progression compared with those with greater vitamin D concentrations. The other, published inAnnals of Rheumatic Diseases,found that among older adults, moderate vitamin D deficiency predicted new or worsening knee pain over 5 years.

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boxtox osteoarthritis

Studies Suggest Botox May Ease Osteoarthritis Pain

Widely used by doctors to soften forehead wrinkles and reduce uncontrollably sweaty armpits, researchers are exploring botulinum toxin as a potential therapy forosteoarthritis (OA) pain.

“TheBotoxstory is very intriguing,” says David Felson, MD, MPH, professor of medicine and epidemiology at Boston University School of Medicine. “It isn’t just muscles. It can paralyze nerves. Just like celebrities injecting it into wrinkles, it could have the same effect on a hip muscle.Botox会麻痹传递疼痛的肌肉

This toxin may eventually be used to treat OA patients whose pain is not sufficiently controlled by traditional medicines like NSAIDs or analgesics, and for patients who may experience adverse effects from those medicines, says Dr. Felson.

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Prevent Surgery Knee Osteoarthritis

If You Have Osteoarthritis, Take Care of Your Knees To Avoid Surgery


Weight loss.For many, weight loss is a basic but crucial way to help avoid knee surgery. Shedding just 15 pounds can cut knee pain in half. And should you need arthritis knee surgery later, you’ll decrease your risk of complications and reduce strain on your knees, which will make your rehabilitation go more smoothly.

Physical activity.The health of your knees depends on movement. Strong muscles support the joint and relieve pressure. Movement keeps tissues within the joint flexible, lubricated and replenished with nutrients that help healing. If you end up having knee surgery, the rehab will be easier if you start strengthening muscles before surgery. Walking is a great way to keep your knees healthy and pain free. Learn more about why exercise is so important if you have arthritis and hope to avoid knee surgery, and get some great ideas for maintaining motivation, stretching, safe moves and more.

Braces.Prescribed by a doctor and fitted by a physical therapist, braces can improve the alignment of the knee, relieving pain.

Corticosteroid injections.Knee joint injections help reduce inflammation, which can alleviate pain without causing side effects associated with oralcorticosteroids.
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Cycling Knee Osteoarthritis


Focusing on either aerobic conditioning or resistance training – especially moves that target the quadriceps muscles, which help support the knee – is the most effective exercise approach for reducing pain from kneeosteoarthritis(OA), according to a 2014 study published inArthritis & Rheumatism.

Experts have long known that exercise can help reduce pain and improve function for people with knee OA. But what type of exercise is best, and how much, are subject to debate. The new study, an analysis of 48 previously published trials, aimed to provide answers.

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Texting and Osteoarthritis

Can Lifestyle Factors Influence Osteoarthritis Outcomes?

掰指关节会导致软骨破裂吗?发短信会引发手部关节炎吗?穿高跟鞋会损害你的膝关节吗?Osteoarthritis(OA), sometimes called “wear and tear” arthritis, occurs when the cartilage or cushion between joints breaks down leading to pain, stiffness and swelling. So it’s often thought that if you engage in repetitive activity and put added stress on your joints, it can affect how quickly you get OA or how fast it progresses. Can these five lifestyle factors – knuckle cracking, texting, diet, high-impact exercise and high-heeled shoes – affect your joint health and possibly cause osteoarthritis? Here’s what research says.

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