All posts byArthritis Today Magazine

Emotional Toll Psoriatic Arthritis Depression

The Emotional Toll of Psoriatic Arthritis

The symptoms of psoriatic arthritis (PsA) are usually quite visible – painful, swollen joints, skin reactions and fatigue. Less apparent, but just as impactful, is the emotional toll the disease can take.

“They tell me that it’s taxing,” Julie Nelligan, PhD, a Portland Oregon-based psychologist, says of her psoriatic arthritis patients. “They may say things like, ‘Nobody understands me, I feel like I’m not contributing. I’m lonely, I’m anxious because I don’t know when I can get things done and I can’t commit to doing things,’” she adds.

Living with a disease that has both subtle and obvious symptoms can be a double-edged sword. When you don’t have any noticeable skin lesions, friends and family might not realize how much pain you’re in, and fail to take your illness seriously.
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psoriatic arthritis facts vs myth

5 Psoriatic Arthritis Myths Debunked

Between appointments with your healthcare provider and online research, you feel confident in your knowledge of psoriatic arthritis (PsA). You might be surprised to learn that some popular beliefs about the disease, which affects up to 30% of the 7.5 million Americans living with psoriasis, are not true at all.

“There is a lack of understanding about the nature of this disease,” explains Eric L. Matteson MD, professor of medicine in the division of rheumatology at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN.

Learn the truth behind five popular psoriatic arthritis myths.

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Psoriatic Arthritis Eye Complications

Psoriatic Arthritis and Eye Complications

研究表明,引起关节问题的关节炎也可能导致身体其他部位的损伤,包括视力。一位《今日关节炎》的读者问我们银屑病关节炎是如何导致潜在视力问题的。Read on to find out more about what causes these complications and how to treat them, with answers from an expert rheumatologist in Toronto

Question From a Reader:


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Psoriatic Arthritis Skin Care

Skin Protection Tips for Psoriatic Arthritis

Keeping disease activity under control with disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs and biologics is an important part of managing the skin symptoms of psoriatic arthritis. But many lifestyle habits can help or worsen psoriasis. Here are 9 self-care tips that can relieve symptoms and promote healthier skin.

Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize.治疗皮肤蜕皮的最好方法之一是保持水分。经常使用保湿霜可以缓解干燥和瘙痒,促进愈合,特别是在寒冷干燥的天气。最适合你的产品取决于你的皮肤有多干——产品越厚就越能保持水分,史蒂文·r·费尔德曼医学博士说,他是位于北卡罗来纳州温斯顿-塞勒姆的维克森林大学医学院皮肤学教授。费尔德曼博士建议使用无香味的产品。可以考虑几个品牌:Cetaphil、CeraVe和优色林。

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Smoking Increases Psoriatic Arthritis

Smoking Increases the Risk of Psoriatic Arthritis

Smoking can have harmful effects on your skin and joints, increasing the risk and severity of the scaling skin disease psoriasis, and the arthritis that often accompanies it –psoriatic arthritis (PsA).一些研究已经发现了吸烟和银屑病关节炎之间的联系,但需要进一步的研究来更好地理解因果关系。

In a 2014 study published inAnnals of the Rheumatic Diseases,researchers in Denmark investigated the smoking-psoriatic arthritis connection in 1,388 psoriatic arthritis patients from a nationwide registry. They found that compared with non-smoking psoriatic arthritis patients, smoking PsA patients had worse self-reported disease. Smokers also had shorter treatment adherence (meaning they didn’t follow their prescribed treatment plan for as long) and a poorer response to treatment.

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How Common is Psoriatic Arthritis in People with Psoriasis?

The prevalence of psoriatic arthritis (PsA) among psoriasis patients is higher than previously thought, according to several international studies published between 2013 and 2015. In North America and Europe, between 18 and 42 percent of people with psoriasis, an inflammatory skin disease, also havepsoriatic arthritis.在美国,牛皮癣影响了约2.2%的人口(750万人),使其成为美国最普遍的自身免疫性疾病。除了银屑病引起的皮肤问题外,银屑病关节炎还会影响关节和身体其他部位。

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Obesity Increases Psoriatic Arthritis

Obesity Can Increase the Risk of Psoriatic Arthritis

From osteoarthritis to heart disease to diabetes, obesity is implicated in a host of diseases. A study now adds one more condition to the list: psoriatic arthritis, or PsA.

Psoriatic arthritis, an autoimmune condition, is a form of inflammatory arthritis that affects an estimated 6 to 10 percent of people with of the skin condition psoriasis and up to 40 percent of those with extensive psoriasis. It can also affect people who do not have the skin disease.

It’s been known that being overweight or obese increases a person’s chances of developing psoriasis. But a study in the Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, researchers report a link between body mass index, or BMI, and psoriatic arthritis, too.

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