fighting fatigue rheumatoid arthritis

Fighting the Fatigue of RA

Symptoms ofrheumatoid arthritis (RA)don’t stop at joint pain and swelling. Most people with RA also experience mental and physical exhaustion, a symptom known asfatigue. Studies show that up to 80% of people with RA have at least some sense of feeling run down, and more than 50% have high levels of fatigue.

Terence Starz, MD, a rheumatologist at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, says the feeling can be described as overwhelming or different from just being tired because it is extreme and seems to come from nowhere. In fact, fatigue may have a greater impact on daily life than pain.

Causes of Fatigue

You may expect disease activity and high levels of inflammation to cause your fatigue. It’s true they account for much of it, but recent studies have shown that these factors don’t tell the whole story. A 2016 study published inRheumatologyfound that even when people are in clinical remission, they can still have significant fatigue.

如果不是疾病活动,还有什么会导致疲劳呢?In a study published inArthritis Care & Researchin 2016, Patricia Katz, PhD, professor of medicine at University of California San Francisco, and her colleagues found that “fatigue may result from a constellation of factors that includes disease activity and pain, but also includes inactivity,depression,obesityandpoor sleep.”

Pinpointing which factors cause fatigue and which are a result of fatigue is difficult. Katz says the relationships may be cyclic: “Fatigue may lead to inactivity and depression; then the inactivity worsens fatigue, depression and poor sleep.”

Fatigue can be overwhelming, but you don’t have to accept your crushing exhaustion. Medications and lifestyle habits can alleviate your fatigue andboost your energy.

How Your Doctor Can Help

Eric Ruderman医学博士,芝加哥西北大学范伯格医学院的医学教授,说:“一个全面的疾病管理项目将有助于控制炎症、疾病活动、疼痛和疲劳。”

Disease Control

“As disease activity decreases, usually, so will fatigue. Controlling inflammation through early and aggressive treatment is essential for your long-term well-being,” Dr. Ruderman explains. If you have successfully treated your disease activity, but you still have significant fatigue, you may need to target other factors that influence your fatigue levels.

Pain Control

Your doctor can prescribe avariety of medicationsto help control the pain of RA and the secondary osteoarthritis that may develop. These medications include acetaminophen, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, topical pain relievers, corticosteroids (injected into individual joints or taken orally) and hyaluronic acid injections.

If you havefibromyalgiaand RA, your doctor may prescribe antidepressants or anti-seizure medications to help control your centralized pain.

Dr. Ruderman says opioids are not the best option for most people with RA because opioids should generally be avoided for long-term use.

Depression Control

Fatigue, depression and RA often go hand-in-hand with one making the others worse. Dr. Ruderman explains depression can be a brain chemical issue that may require consultation with a psychiatrist and possibly antidepressant medications. For milder cases, some rheumatologists are comfortable prescribing these drugs. When taken in low doses, they can also help ease pain.

Insomnia Control

Sleep aidscan help you get more restorative sleep, helping both pain and fatigue. But Dr. Ruderman says not to rely on them. It’s important to engage in daytime physical activity and practice good sleep hygiene. “The newer medications can be used as a last resort, but I try to avoid the older sedatives,” he says.

What You Can Do

Because fatigue in RA is multifactorial, you shouldn’t rely on medications alone to alleviate your drained feeling. These lifestyle habits can help increase your energy.

Activity and Exercise

Besides controlling your underlying inflammation and disease, probably the most important thing you can do to lessen your fatigue is toget moving! If you’re exhausted, the last thing you want to do is exercise. But studies show that increasing your activity level will improve your fatigue.

Katz presented a study at the 2015 American College of Rheumatology annual meeting that showed giving a person with RA a pedometer and some modest step goalsimproved physical activity and decreased fatigue. “Results suggest that increasing physical activity by prescribing a pedometer can be effective for reducing fatigue,” Katz says, “particularly among individuals with very low activity levels initially.”

Sleep Hygiene

Poor sleep can significantly affect your pain and fatigue. Dr. Starz recommends several non-drug steps to improve your sleep, including developing a ritual with a stable bedtime; sleeping in a cool, dark room; limiting caffeine; and turning off electronics at least an hour before bed.

Life Balance

You may need to adapt your activities and lifestyle when your fatigue is at its worst. Find balance by giving yourself periods of rest and plenty of sleep. Dr. Starz says, “Thoughtful planning, prioritization and pacing of your daily activities should be your guiding principles.”

Hot and Cold Therapies

Cold packs slow blood circulation, which can help reduce inflammation and pain.Warm baths or compresses improve blood flow放松酸痛的肌肉,可以缓解疼痛和僵硬。

Mind-Body Techniques

Cognitive behavior therapy,meditation, yoga, tai chi and other therapies work on the connection between your mind and body. Harnessing this connection can help reduce fatigue, improve mood and energy, and reduce pain.

Weight Management

Katz’s studies show that people with RA who are obese are more fatigued than patients of a healthy weight. So achieving and maintaining a healthy weight may help reduce your fatigue levels.

Drs. Ruderman, Katz and Starz agree about the best overall tactic to take to fight fatigue: Control your underlying disease and “move more, sit less.”

Related Resources:


6 thoughts on “Fighting the Fatigue of RA

  1. Having trouble breathing,I was refered to a respitory doctor who looked at my chest scan and told me my lungs were scared,he said he was more than certain it was RA,and sent me for a blood test,two days later I was phoned to undertake a “lung function test”
    This was four weeks ago and he has not contacted my GP,this is despite me ringing the hospital and speaking to his secretary who promisted to leave a note to ask him to.
    我读到早期治疗是至关重要的,但我不抱任何希望,这加上心力衰竭让我的生活非常不舒服,至少可以说。I think depression is beginning to set in as the future looks bleak indeed.

  2. I’m dealing with a lot of fatigue at work and at home. I find myself almost falling asleep at my desk at work, in meetings, or just sitting on the couch at home. I was diagnosed with RA back in 2003 and currently taking Orencia 125mg one shot per week along with Percocet for pain. I’m 59 and in pretty good health otherwise, but now find it hard to make it through a round of golf.


  3. I am so grateful to see an article which actually acknowledges chronic fatigue in RA sufferers as a real thing. I am 20 years diagnosed and verbal upset all the time with my family and friends joking about me being lazy and always lying down. Was also interested in the advice to get up and get active totally different from what I was advised many years ago. Thank You

  4. 我患风湿性关节炎已经10年了,我觉得如果我没有止痛药,我就不会在这里。让我生气的是,一个类风湿关节炎患者却被没有类风湿关节炎的医生告知止痛药不起作用。关节被吞噬了吗?如果没有止痛药,我知道很多人不会在这里…我服用过甲氨蝶呤和大量其他治疗RA的药物,但没有一种对关节被吞噬有帮助。那么为什么人们会相信这一点呢?如果医生看到了核磁共振或x光片和关节损伤,你不觉得很痛吗?我要告诉你的是,作为一个风湿性关节炎患者,从我的下一个椎间盘取出并替换,我的髋骨上的骨头,肩膀,膝盖,坝和我身体的每个关节损伤,包括我的脖子上的4个椎间盘,下背部的3个椎间盘和手术。NOTHING COMES CLOSE TO RA PAIN …
    having a pain clinic dr tell me we need to take my pain meds away is unethical I’ve took pain meds ever sense I got RA I don’t abuse it or drink or do anything wrong and ppl living like this and proving for years that they don’t abuse the rules shouldn’t be punished by ppl who sales and abuses the pain medication… its unfair. Walk a day in our shoes .. All this unethical stuff will only push ppl in chronic pain who will suffer until they die to suicide.. It’s sad you will give someone with back pain pain medication and believe ppl with RA are cured by immune suppressant medications.. NUTS ..

  5. 我很高兴看到人们认识到,使人衰弱的疲劳会打击那些风湿性关节炎似乎正在缓解的人。然而,文章中提到的其他原因——肥胖、睡眠不良、缺乏运动和抑郁——并不适用于我。我的睡眠从来不是恢复性的,但我做过睡眠研究,没有呼吸暂停或其他睡眠障碍的迹象。就我的身高而言,我的体重处于正常体重的低端。我过去曾患过抑郁症,但我确信自己没有抑郁症。我一直是一个狂热的运动爱好者,但现在不得不停止了,因为每次我运动,我的身体就崩溃了,最后我几乎几天或几周卧床不起。我希望这篇文章能针对像我这样不属于其他疲劳原因的人。

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