Arthritis Increases Risk of Heart Attack

Risk of Heart Attack Rises After RA Diagnosis

Generally, patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) havehigher levels of inflammationin their bodies, which can affect other organs and tissues besides the joints. In fact,people with RA have up to twice the risk of heart diseaseand development of heart failure (especially if they test positive for rheumatoid factor, or RF) than the general population, according to a 2013 Mayo Clinic study published in theAmerican Heart Journal.

Patients diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis may have cardiac problems within one year, according to a 2010 study published in theJournal of Internal Medicine. The study also reported that among people with RA, the risk of having a heart attack rises by 60 percent in one to four years after the RA diagnosis. The risk of other forms of coronary heart disease such as angina and coronary death rises 50 percent in the same time frame. While not all of the contributing factors are well understood, it is clear that getting RA under control early and addressing all known risk factors for heart disease at the time of diagnosis is vital in preventing further cardiovascular damage.

Determining Your Risk for Heart Disease

When diagnosed with RA, your doctor will check for such heart disease risk factors as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, high body mass index, and your family history of heart disease. He or she can also note the amount of visceral fat (or belly fat), which is more highly associated with cardiovascular disease than fat located elsewhere.

Generally, the more severe your RA, the more likely you are to develop cardiovascular problems, such as heart attack, stroke and heart failure. Certain medicines used to manage RA can also contribute to heart disease, such as NSAIDs and corticosteroids, and should be used with caution if you have other risk factors for heart disease.


Nonetheless, assessing risk for heart disease in someone with RA can be challenging. For example, high inflammation sometimes causes cholesterol levels to drop, so a doctor may not think a person with RA is at risk for heart disease if the tests show low cholesterol. The same is true about weight—high inflammation has been associated with weight loss in some people, a physician may think a thin person with RA has low cardiac risk.

What You Can Do to Protect Your Heart?

An active lifestyle, balanced healthy nutrition and aggressive control of RA inflammation can help to lower your risk of developing cardiovascular problems. Talk with your doctor about comprehensive treatment plan. Ask aboutprograms available in your areato help you stay physically active. You may also consider a consultation with a nutrition expert.


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