Gerica’s Tips for the “New” Normal

By now, those of you reading this are likely experiencing a shelter-in-place order, school cancellations, or other social distancing situations in your own communities due to the COVID-19 global pandemic. Here in California, our state is under a statewide shelter-in-place directive and I am on week 2 of 4 with my children’s schools transitioning to “distance learning”. Some districts in our area have already announced this will continue for the remainder of the school year. If you are anything like me, this sudden and massive change has rocked your family unit and you are trying to navigate the unfamiliar.


首先介绍一下我自己。我是一个全职妈妈,有三个孩子,年龄从6岁到13岁。我的大儿子在18个月大的时候被诊断患有幼年关节炎。自从确诊后,她一直在服用某种削弱免疫力的药物。值得庆幸的是,她有一个很棒的医生团队,在这场大流行展开时,他们非常容易回答我的问题和担忧。我的第一个建议,如果你还没有,那就是联系你的医疗团队。他们能够针对你的具体情况准确地给出合理的建议。Our doctors have been very informative on ways to mitigate my daughter’s risk of exposure to COVID-19.你已经花了数年时间与你的医疗团队建立了牢固的工作关系,在这段时间里,请相信他们的指导。

现在,谈谈如何管理家庭生活。我的管理很严格。我们的家庭生活是有组织的、有计划的、可预测的。一个可控的环境是我快乐的地方。全球流行病让我的育儿焦虑加速了!我想我所挣扎的是未知。我每天都有三个孩子在三所不同的学校上学。我知道我每天从早上9点到下午1点半要为孩子们做所有需要做的事情。我知道,家庭作业和晚餐必须按时完成,才能让孩子们参加练习和活动。现在,噗。 Gone!


我的大儿子很擅长独立工作。像她妈妈一样,她是一个任务大师,能把工作做好。除了时不时地来报到,中午的时候顺便吃个三明治,她一个人过得很好。我的第二个孩子需要更有条理。我们在一天的特定时间关注不同的主题,总是从她早上最不喜欢的事情开始。相信我,尽早结束战斗,事情只会从那时开始改善。她需要更多地检查她在每项任务上花了多长时间,但她已经找到了自己的最佳状态。然后是最小的。他在幼儿园,最好的时候可以用野性来形容。我开始了解到,六岁的孩子永远不会停止说话。 Ever. His school packets are done 15 minutes at a time and then he’s released into the backyard to burn some energy. We mix up worksheets with computer time and reading stories with hands-on learning, like building or cooking. In the end, they are three very different children with three very different learning styles and sets of needs.如果一个固定的时间表适合你的家人,那太好了!但是,花点时间去倾听和观察你的孩子的需求是什么,并制定出你自己的家庭常规。

As anyone living with arthritis knows, moving your body is important.With the proper guidance from your doctor, movement can help loosen your joints and lift your spirits.根据你目前的情况,你可能无法进行正常的锻炼,但运动你的身体仍然应该是优先考虑的。我的JA女儿和她的妹妹都是优秀的全年游泳运动员。他们无法进入训练池,比赛至少要取消到4月底。失去一项他们喜欢的活动不仅会对他们的身体造成伤害,还会对他们的精神造成伤害。他们的教练为我们提供了“陆地”训练,我们试图像一家人一样做。我们把放在车库里的划船机掸了掸,又投资买了一辆实时健身自行车。

We are all finding new ways to move our bodies.My favorite is simply walking our dog. This was usually a task I did alone while the kids were at school but now we go as a family.We talk, we laugh, we enjoy all the sidewalk art along the way and our dog is loving every minute. Movement is good for your body and good for our soul. Find what works for you and commit to moving for at least 20 minutes each day.

Social distancing is tough. I’m social. I like being with people. I’m a hugger. My family is the same. We hug when we see friends and family. We gather frequently and we’re happiest when our home is filled with friends. What we are missing most right now is connection. It’s there, we just need to be creative in how we find it. As much as I hate to admit, my use of social media is way up. But given the circumstances, that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Social media is allowing me to “see” what my friends and family are up to and how they are keeping busy. And there is certainly no shortage of funny memes to keep us laughing.I have loved seeing posts using the hashtag #WeLiveYes from people in the arthritis community, showing how we are learning to live in our new normal.We have had to loosen our technology reigns and give the kids opportunities to connect with their friends and teammates. A few days ago, my girls had a group video chat with their swim friends that lifted their spirits. Yesterday, my son had a Zoom call with this teacher and classmates. Kindergarten video chats are the cutest thing ever.关键是,社交距离并不一定意味着社交隔离。作为一个免疫系统受损的集体,我们确实需要多加小心,同时也要注意人际关系的重要性。Pick up the phone, plan a video chat, play an online game with someone, host a virtual dinner party. In this uncertain time, we don’t know how long these circumstances will go on. Take time, make time and connect.

在第一周结束的时候,我感到事情的单调真的让我很沮丧。我不可能再帮着做另一份作业,再做一道拼图或再画一块石头。我很害怕,不想让这种感觉传染给我的丈夫和孩子。我必须做出选择,找到快乐,并对每一天的事情心存感激。一个月前,我看了看家庭日历,非常焦虑,不知道该如何熬过3月。除了我丈夫的工作行程和我们正常的学校/游泳日程之外,我们还有两场旅行游泳比赛,我和我女儿的生日惊喜旅行,我要代表你们所有人去华盛顿参加关节炎基金会的倡导领导静修会。这些都是我很感激的事情,但这只是在短时间内发生的这么多。然后,一切都变了,我们的日历连续几周都被清空了。我在时间这个礼物中找到了巨大的快乐。Here in northern California we are on Day 10 of quarantine. I have learned that my oldest is an amazing artist. I always knew she loved to draw but now that she has time, she has created beautiful artwork and sidewalk chalk drawings. In these 10 days, I have learned that my middler loves to cook and has made cookies, soft pretzels, cheesecake and homemade marshmallows. In my 40+ years, I didn’t even know that homemade marshmallows were a thing. My husband isn’t traveling and has had time to play catch with my son and he’s on the cusp of getting up on two wheels. I love snuggling up with him to read. Reading not for the sake of learning and checking off a reading log. Reading just for the sake of reading. All of these things happened because of our family quarantine. I am not too proud to admit that I never saw these things before because we didn’t have enough time. Don’t get me wrong, life was good, just busy. Time is a funny thing. To much of it can be a blessing or a curse.With all this time, I encourage you to choose joy.

Finally, as I mentioned before, we are all feeling overwhelmed with this situation. We must not forget to take care of ourselves. You’ve heard it for years on airplanes, put on your own mask before putting on my news feed.

我们都在努力维持我们的家庭,但我们不能在这个过程中迷失方向。给自己留点时间。找一些你喜欢的能给你带来快乐的事情,让它成为你日常生活的一部分。对我来说,尽管很累,我还是比家里其他人早一个小时起床。我喜欢我的咖啡(和安静),我在精神上为这一天做准备。对你来说,可能是读你听说过的书,把自己锁在浴室里做面膜和足疗,尝试一种新食谱或在车库里修修补补。这次的主角应该是你。如果没有别的事情,这段时间会帮助你重新集中精力,重新组合。As you find your way to live yes through this uncertain time, share it on social media using the #WeLiveYes!

These are challenging times, show yourself some grace. Be kind to yourself and your family. If it works for you to keep a normal Monday through Friday “work” week, stick with that. If you can only make it two days before needing a break, that is fine too. Find your routine, find your balance. We will get through this. As a family. As a community. As a nation. As a world.

在我国目前的形势下,慈善组织受到的打击尤为严重。现在,关节炎基金会比以往任何时候都更需要你的支持。基金会正在进行的工作对帮助那些患有关节炎的人至关重要。We must continue to support the mission in whatever way you are capable, whether that be a monetary donation, becoming an advocate or join

ing the Live Yes! Arthritis Network.

You can also share your story of resilience and how you are living your yes despite these uncertain times with this storybank. Share your story today!

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