world arthritis day 2017

October 12 is World Arthritis Day

Help raise awareness about arthritis during#WorldArthritisDay!Since 1996, World Arthritis Day on October 12th has unified people of all ages, races, and genders to raise awareness of rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases (RMDs). On this day, we strive to raise awareness and share information and support with RMD patients and their caregivers. This year’s theme, “Don’t Delay, Connect Today,” initiated by EULAR, aims to highlight the importance of early diagnosis of RMDs. Together, we can work together towards earlier diagnosis and timely access to care!

As the Champion of Yes, the Arthritis Foundation moves forward every day in ways to improve access to care, providing new information and supporting scientific advancements to find a cure. We strive to provide many ways for those with arthritis and their loved ones with ways to keep saying Yes to life – includingvaluable tools and resources, such astoolkits you can access on the go, a24/7 helpline, andaccess to local resourcesthat will help you conquer everyday challenges.


Arthritis is the nation’snumber one cause of disability, affecting 1 in 4 adults, impacting the economy and causing daily struggles for the many people affected with arthritis.

Economically, over 156 billion dollars annually are lost in wages as well as medical expenses. Surgeries like knee, hip, and otherjoint replacementsgenerate more and more medical expenses. In 2011 alone, there were 757,000 knee replacements and 512,000 hip replacements!

Arthritis affects ourtroops and veteranssignificantly. It is the leading reason for medical discharge from service in the military, and one in three military service members are diagnosed with arthritis, compared to one in five civilians. Members of the military over 40 are twice as likely as civilians to have arthritis. They would be diagnosed two years after a blast injury, while a non-military service member would be diagnosed about ten years later.

The risk of arthritis is increased with theaffliction of other chronic conditions. For example, 49 percent of adults with heart disease have arthritis, and one third of arthritic people have anxiety or depression. Other conditions like diabetes, high blood-pressure, and obesity raise the chance of arthritis.

Daily life is impacted as well. Many adults have significant physical limitations: one in 9 adults report trouble climbing stairs, and one in 22 have trouble grasping. People with arthritis are less likely to be physically active than those not affected, although physical activity is effective to relieve pain and can improve function for those with arthritis.

What You Can Do

Today, help us spread awareness about arthritis and the impact it has on families, friends and loved ones. On#WorldArthritisDay,celebrate those with arthritis for their strength and determination.

Share your stories on social media, tag us so we can see your post, and use the hashtag #WorldArthritisDay. You can also find ways tovolunteer and get involvedanddonate to help us find a cure. Join us in our community of Champions to help all those with arthritis to be a Champion of Yes!


3 thoughts on “October 12 is World Arthritis Day

  1. 在过去的4年里,我一直饱受病痛的折磨,但病情越来越严重,所以我去看了风湿病专家,最近才被诊断出患有晚期风湿性关节炎。开瓶子、罐头或盒子已经是过去式了。在过去的10年里,我做了4次背部手术,我真的认为疼痛不会变得更严重,但我想错了。有些日子比其他日子好,但大多数日子都是痛苦的白天和不眠之夜。医生们还没有找到一种有效的药物。甲氨蝶呤导致我的头发脱落,在三周内我增重了12磅。然后他们给我开了另一种药,让我虚弱得不能正常工作,所以我也没有服用任何无效的药物。我在寻求帮助!

  2. World Arthritis Day hopefully helped spread awareness of how prevalent this issue is! It can be debilitating, but it’s worth trying out different products and natural remedies for pain relief. Every person is different and requires different levels of alleviation and therapy! I use Absorbine Jr topical pain relieving liquid on my hands. It’s really helped me deal with this disease

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