Tag Archives: comorbidities

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PsA Research Briefs: Comorbidities

Keep up-to-date on the latestpsoriatic arthritis (PsA)research with our brief research summaries.

PsA May Put Liver at Risk

People with PsA may have an increased risk of liver disease, according to a new study that followed more than a million people for an average of 6 years. People with psoriasis were 37% more likely to develop liver disease than those without inflammatory diseases, the study found. Those with PsA were 38% more likely to have liver disorders. Taking methotrexate further increased their risk.

SOURCE:Journal of Investigative Dermatology, April 2018

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psa research briefs comorbidities

PsA Research Briefs: Diabetes, Surgery, Fibromyalgia

Keep up-to-date on the latestpsoriatic arthritis (PsA) researchwith our brief research summaries.

PsA Increases Diabetes Risk

Having PsA may increase yourrisk of diabetes, according to recent research. In a study of 1,305 PsA patients seen in a large specialty clinic between January 1978 and November 2014, Canadian researchers found their risk of developing diabetes was 43% higher than for the general population. The risk was greatest among those with the highest levels of PsA activity, suggesting inflammation may be a common thread in the two diseases.

Source:The Journal of Rheumatology, published online February 2017

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