knee osteoarthritis african american

More African-Americans Could Benefit from Knee Replacement Surgery

Studies have shown that racial minorities in the United States undergo fewer totalknee replacements (TKR)forknee osteoarthritis (OA)比白人多,但原因尚不清楚。一项新的研究揭示了为什么很少有美国黑人愿意做这种手术,以及手术的费用是多少。研究发现,非裔美国人比白人在更少的情况下可以选择TKR,他们接受这一选择的频率更低,当他们接受这一手术时,他们有更高的并发症发生率。由于这些因素,它们失去了大量所谓的“质量调整寿命年”(qaly)。

What’s a QALY?

“严重的膝关节骨性关节炎是一种使人衰弱的疾病,影响人们参与和享受日常生活的功能能力,”资深研究作者Elena Losina博士解释说,她是波士顿布莱根妇女医院的骨科和关节炎结局研究中心的联合主任。“TKR is a successful surgery that can greatlyreduce painand improve the ability to take part in activities of daily living – walk, go shopping, participate in social events and travel. Such differences in quality of life can be accumulated across many years.”

“Black Americans with advanced knee OA are less frequently offered TKR [by their physicians] and thus they continue to live with functional limitations that reduce their quality of life for many years,” says Losina. “Increasing the offer of TKR to black Americans with severe knee OA could improve the lives of many people over many years.” That’s the idea behind the term QALY.

This research is important, says Losina, because “it is the first study that translates the disparity in use of TKR between blacks and whites into language of public health relevance. The bottom line is that underutilization of the highly successful surgery leads to drastic losses in quality-adjusted life years [QALYs] among black Americans,” she states.

The researchers calculated that African-Americans who receive knee replacements currently gain 64,100 QALYs (across the population). If they were offered and accepted surgery at the rate whites do, and if their complication rates were as low, they would gainan additional72,000 QALYs – or more than double what they currently gain.

The largest proportion of lost QALYs comes as a result of lower offer rates. The study authors, therefore, suggest that health professionals improve their attempts to offer TKR to black Americans who have advanced knee OA.

What Can Patients Do?

Losina also suggests providing more and better information for African-Americans about advanced knee OA so that they are more willing to take advantage of the surgery and to share in the decisions with their doctors. People who have knee OA should discuss their concerns about TKR and the surgery’s overall risks and benefits with their doctors.

Patients should take some responsibility for asking questions,” Losina says. “At the end of the day, TKR is an elective procedure – that is, it is the patient’s choice, and the decision to have it should be in the patient’s hands,” Losina says.


“Patients should speak to their doctors with the key request that they be referred to a surgeon who specializes in TKR surgery and performs them in a high-volume TKR hospital,” Dr. Chang says. It’s likely that black Americans have worse outcomes because a smaller proportion of their knee replacement surgeries are done at high-volume hospitals, which have lower rates of complications, he says. In addition, African-American patients on average wait longer than other patients to have the procedure, which makes it more challenging surgically and for improvements in pain and function.

Author: Alice Goodman

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