Fight For Fifty During Arthritis Awareness Month


May is National Arthritis Awareness Month, and this month, we’re asking you tojoin us in our fight为超过五千万的关节炎患者提供帮助

Arthritis is the number one cause of disability in the country.This means that 1 in every 4 adults, more than 300,000 children and countless families and loved onesare affected by arthritis. So how can you help?

We want you to tell us your story.Tell us why you fight – about the struggles you face and the daily challenges you overcome. Tell us why you strive to be a Champion of Yes or how hard it might be for your friends or family to truly understand what it’s like to live with this “invisible” disease. Let your voice be heard!

Even if you aren’t the one in four who has arthritis, you know someone who is. You owe it to your child, spouse, friend or grandparent who struggles each day. Tell us about their unique story and let us know what obstacles they face or have had to overcome. Help us spread awareness and shine a light on the realities of life with arthritis – and share inspiration with others to let them know they’re not alone!

After you share your story, be sure toshare our cause– andmake a donation.

Together, we can fight for those who can’t always fight for themselves. Together, we can raise awareness and funds to pursue a cure that will conquer arthritis once and for all.Together, we can Fight for 50!

Support Our Partners

In recognition of Arthritis Awareness Month, CVS Pharmacy is donating $1 to the Arthritis Foundation for each of these brand products sold, up to a maximum of $200,000.Help support our partners!


2 thoughts on “在关节炎意识月,帮助我们争取50岁!

  1. 我朋友的女儿患有幼年关节炎,我们都计划今天去英国一个叫hamsterlea Forrest的地方,但他们的女儿(由于这个疾病,剩下的是家人)不能去,因为她的脚踝疼痛。他们让她休息对吗,还是锻炼对她更好?

  2. 我叫妮可这个7月我的宝贝女孩Aubrie将把3。她被诊断为特发性jra每天大约一年半前,她挣扎,因此疾病影响她的关节她开始一切世界一个正常的孩子遇到他里程碑然后有一天,我们注意到她没用的人想离开沙发上然后她不能把她的脖子,不能辞职2步我女儿的战士她客栈许多不同的药物和一些失败了她. .她现在正在接受演员注射,可以有好日子过,但她仍然不是最好的。but our Dr Kaleo Ede is and he has the best ideas and the greatest heart and I have faith that one day with his help my princess will be pain free and not struggling daily with Jra

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