Tag Archives: arthritis diet

trendy diets

Live Yes! With Arthritis Podcast – Episode 3: Trendy Diets

It’s common knowledge that healthy diets can improve arthritis symptoms. Yet, it’s easy to be overwhelmed with new diet fads and conflicting research reports. In this episode, Rebecca and Julie tackle the most commondiet trendsfor people with arthritis and discuss the pros, cons and risks.


Here’s a run-down of diets discussed on the episode:

Keto – The ketogenic diet is a very low-carb, high-fat diet.

Paleo – A paleo diet includes lean meats, fish, fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds, and limits dairy, grains and legumes, including beans and corn; this diet became common when farming emerged about 10,000 years ago.

Intermittent Fasting – Doesn’t limit the foods you eat, just when you eat it; most intermittent fasting regimens recommend 8-16 hours without eating.


Tune intoday to learn which diet can help you!

worst food for gout

New Year, New You Fighting Back When You Have Gout

Now that the holiday feasts are over and the New Year is here, it’s a good time to take stock of your diet and consider healthy changes – especially if you have gout.

Gout is a common form of inflammatory arthritis that can unleash intensely painful flares in individual joints, often in the big toe. An estimated 8 million Americans experience gout attacks, which can last for a few days. The condition can also become chronic and lead to the destruction of joints. Although there’s no cure, there are medications to control gout, as well as lifestyle changes you can make to manage the condition – and reduce or even eliminate attacks.

Gout develops对于血液中尿酸水平高的人;尿酸会在软组织和关节中形成针状晶体。当身体分解一种叫做嘌呤的化学物质时,就会产生尿酸。嘌呤自然存在于你的身体中,但也存在于某些食物和饮料中。如果你的身体不能有效地清除尿酸(它会被肾脏从血液中清除,并通过尿液排出),血液中的尿酸会积聚并达到可能导致问题的水平(超过6毫克/分升)。

One way to minimize the risk of a gout flare is to cut back on high-purine foods. The DASH diet – a low-sodium diet that emphasizes fruits and vegetables over red meats and processed foods – is recommended for people with gout. The Mediterranean diet – which emphasizes fruits, veggies, whole grains and healthy fats – may also help.Find more gout info here.

For specific foods and beverages, keep the following tips in mind:

Worst Foods & Beverages for Gout

  • At the top of the list of what to avoid is booze. Beer and liquor readily convert to uric acid and they slow down its elimination. Studies have shown mixed results about whether wine is OK in moderation.
  • 喝含糖饮料,如含高果糖玉米糖浆的苏打水、果汁或其他含糖饮料,与痛风有关。值得注意的例外是:樱桃,尤其是酸樱桃,可能对痛风有益。
  • Go light on red meats, particularly organ meats like liver, tongue and sweetbreads, which are all high in purines. Also avoid or minimize the amount of bacon, venison and veal you eat.
  • Maybe surprising: Turkey and goose are very high in purines. Chicken and duck are better bets.
  • Some seafoods also are high in purines, including anchovies, sardines, mussels, scallops, crabs, lobsters, oysters and shrimp.
  • Some vegetables are on the watch list, too: Consider cutting back on mushrooms, asparagus and spinach – but veggies of any kind are much less likely to trigger a gout flare than alcohol or organ meats.
  • Learn more about foods to accept or reject here.

What’s Left?

There are also many things you can add to your diet to help avoid or manage gout. Drink plenty of water, milk and tart cherry juice. Drinking coffee seems to help as well. Be sure to talk with your doctor before making any dietary changes.

Get your New Year off to a great start, whether it’s changing your diet, getting in a more positive frame of mind, or embracing a feel-good hobby. Live your best life in 2020!Join the Live Yes! Arthritis Network FOR FREE.我们的社区在这里帮助你。

protein for arthritis diet

How Much Protein Do You Really Need in Your Arthritis Diet?

From granola bars to pasta, the flood of products touting high protein might have you wondering if you should be getting more protein. For most Americans, that’s probably not the case, and the packaged products filling grocery shelves may not be the best sources, because many high-protein packaged foods are also high in added sugars and calories.

Continue readingHow Much Protein Do You Really Need in Your Arthritis Diet?

genetically modified foods

Genetically Modified Foods: What You Should Know


“There is a lot of confusion and fear surrounding GMO ingredients in foods,” says registered dietitian Kim Larson, a spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Let’s clear up the confusion.

Continue readingGenetically Modified Foods: What You Should Know

fiber for your arthritis diet

Fiber Up Your Arthritis Diet

Fiber packs a big punch when it comes to your health. Research shows it helps lower cholesterol levels, control blood sugar levels and aid inweight loss, which can ease pressure on joints. Scientists also have discovered that nutrients in dietary fiber help promote beneficial gut bacteria, which may reduce inflammation. And new research found that eating a high-fiber diet is linked with a lower risk forknee osteoarthritis和痛苦。


Continue readingFiber Up Your Arthritis Diet

bread and pasta shopping for arthritis

Arthritis Diet Power Shopping: Bread and Pasta

研究表明,食用大量精制碳水化合物,尤其是白面粉和低纤维饮食会增加炎症。在你的饮食中摄入25克或更多的纤维也可以降低结肠癌和其他癌症的风险,降低胆固醇,并可能有助于调节血糖。储存全谷物食品对整体健康有好处,因为它们天然含有大量的维生素B-6、维生素E、镁、叶酸、铜、锌和锰。And studies also show that people who eat three or more servings of whole grains a day lower theirrisk of heart disease. Because high-fiber foods can help you to feel full faster, eating the right amount may make it easier to achieve and maintain a healthy weight which is important for people with arthritis.

Have celiac disease or gluten sensitivity? Try high-fiber gluten-free grains such as amaranth, quinoa, buckwheat and cornmeal.

Continue readingArthritis Diet Power Shopping: Bread and Pasta

arthritis diet shopping canned foods

Arthritis Diet Power Shopping: Canned Foods

Meats, soups, fruits or vegetables, the canned variety offers many benefits. You’ll still get the inflammation-fighting omega 3 fatty acids in canned salmon, sardines and tuna. Canned vegetables and fruits are often processed shortly after they are picked, and nutrient losses don’t occur during shipping, on the grocer’s shelf, or in your home. Their portability makes them great for an arthritis diet on the go. They last longer and can save you money.

And there are some veggies that may be more beneficial in canned form rather than fresh. Canned tomatoes, for example, are a better source of lycopene, a powerful antioxidant, because cooking makes them easier for the body to absorb. According to a comparative analysis of canned,fresh, and frozen fruits and vegetablesby the University of Illinois Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition, fiber content is as high in canned products as in their fresh counterparts and the canning process may actually increase calcium levels in fish as compared to its freshly cooked variety.

Continue readingArthritis Diet Power Shopping: Canned Foods