Fish Oil for Arthritis

The Benefits of Omega-3 Fatty Acids for Arthritis


在我们的饮食中有两种主要的ω -3脂肪酸。一种是α -亚麻酸(ALA),另一种是二十碳五烯酸(EPA)和二十二碳六烯酸(DHA)。人体会将ALA部分转化为EPA和DHA。

According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), fish oil (EPA and DHA) is the most commonly used dietary supplement in the United States. A study published in theAnnals of Rheumatic Diseasein 2013, found that when a high-dose fish oil supplement is added to so-called triple therapy forrheumatoid arthritis(methotrexate, sulfasalazine and hydroxychloroquine), patients achieved better outcomes: they were far less likely to “fail” treatment and twice as likely to reach remission than those who did not take a supplement.

According to the results of at least 13 studies involving more than 500 participants, people with rheumatoid arthritis who took omega-3s supplements had a reduction in joint pain – but not in joint damage. Other studies suggest that omega-3s may help RA patients lower their dose of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). And according to information from NIH, administering fish oil by IV reduces swollen and tender joints in people with RA.

Until somewhat recently, no one really knew what made omega-3s so beneficial. Researchers, however, believe they have uncovered the secret of omega-3 fatty acids. A study at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston revealed that omega-3s actually convert into compounds that are 10,000 times more powerful than original fatty acids. So what does this mean to us? These compounds include resolvins, which help bring an inflammatory response in the body to an end, says the study’s lead researcher, Charles Serhan, PhD, director, Center for Experimental Therapeutics and Reperfusion Injury at Harvard Medical School, Boston.

在健康的免疫系统中,正常的炎症过程会修复损伤,保护身体免受感染。但在炎症性关节炎和相关疾病中,过度活跃的免疫反应会导致组织破坏。瑟汉的研究表明,发出炎症开始信号的同一通路还包括一个关闭开关。-3脂肪酸会转化成这些更强的化合物,阻止这一活跃的过程,使其嘎然而止,瑟汉说。Serhan说,目前还不清楚需要多少ω -3脂肪酸来优化人体从ω -3脂肪酸到resolvins的转化。

Here are some others ways that omega-3s can boost your health, according to researchers.

Heart health.People with rheumatoid arthritis are at increased risk of heart disease, and omega-3s are perhaps best known for their role in promoting heart health.

Most studies confirming omega-3s heart benefits, however, have looked at men. So researchers in Denmark turned their attention to women ages 15 to 49, and found over an eight-year period, those who rarely or never ate fish had 90 percent more cardiovascular problems than those who ate fish high in omega-3s weekly. Their findings were published inHypertension: Journal of the American Heart Association.

But recently, fish oil supplements suffered a black eye. An analysis of 18 randomized controlled trials published in leading journals between 2005 and 2012 found that only two out of the 18 had results that showed fish oil supplements (compared to placebo) offered benefits to people at high risk of cardiovascular events. This study was published inJAMA Internal Medicinein 2014.

Still, information from the NIH states that fish oil lowers high triglycerides (an important measure of heart health), and it also seems to help prevent heart disease and stroke when taken in the recommended amounts. Be aware that taking too much fish oil can actually increase the risk of stroke. And if you are already take heart medications such as a “statin,” adding on fish oil may not offer any additional benefit. So, it’s important to talk to your doctor before beginning a fish oil regimen.

Cognitive health.Aging brings a greater risk for not only joint pain, but also cognitive impairment. The role of omega-3s for cognitive health is not as clear-cut as it is in heart health, but still bears consideration. Some studies have found that – in rats – a diet rich in omega-3s slows the development of changes in the brain associated with Alzheimer’s disease. And a study, published in theBritish Journal ofNutrition in 2011,found that taking fish oil supplements reduced mental fatigue and increased reaction times in participants ages 18 to 35 years old.

Diabetes.Althougharthritis and diabetesare not directly related, they often coexist. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or CDC, found that more than half of people with diabetes also have arthritis. Again, omega-3s may be able to help, according to two reports.

One study looked at more than 3,000 older U.S. adults; it found that those with the highest blood levels of the omega-3s known as EPA and DHA (found in fish) were about one-third less likely to develop diabetes over a 10-year period than those adults with the lowest levels. Another report showed that among 43,000 Singapore adults, those who ate diets rich in ALA – the omega-3 fatty acid found in plant foods – were at reduced risk of developing diabetes.

Both the American Dietetic Association and the American Heart Association recommend food over supplements to reap omega-3 benefits. The best source: fish, especially salmon, tuna, sardines, mackerel and herring. The United States Department of Agriculture recommends two servings a week (3.5-ounce portions) of fish for healthy omega-3 fatty acids benefits. How you prepare the fish makes a difference. Broiled or baked fish appears to reduce the risk of heart disease, but fried fish or fish sandwiches cancels out the benefits of fish oil and may actually increase heart disease risk.


If you choose fish oil or flax seed supplements instead, make sure to select a brand that contains mercury-free fish oils, and check with your doctor about potential drug interactions. Also be aware that because fish oil has a blood-thinning effect, increasing your intake too much beyond 3 grams a day could be hazardous if already take a blood-thinner or aspirin.

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2 thoughts on “The Benefits of Omega-3 Fatty Acids for Arthritis

  1. I suffer with chronic pain I take mirtazapine 30 mg to sleep at night every night it’s the only way I can sleep I often wake up with cramps during the night in my feet and ankles and my legs at the back off the calf muscle it’s so sore it doesn’t go away for a while its hard with arthritis it really is

  2. 我患有骨关节炎,背部做过3次大手术。我的脚和腿有神经病变,晚上更严重。你试过服用B12补充剂吗?我在舌下(舌下)吃了2500毫克药丸,它有一些帮助。我丈夫的脚有时也会抽筋,医生检查了他的B12水平,发现它很低,她建议他也吃和我一样量的补充剂。我想他可能在5个mos里有一只脚抽筋了。从他开始服用开始。

    Yes Arthritis is really hard to deal with. It never ends and is very depressing. I belong to the YMCA and get in to pool to exercise 2-3 times a week to do water exercises which helps some. The only other thing I do at the Y is ride the bike that has the back to it as I can’t do all the things other people do. Hope this helps.

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